Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mama, I Want A White Woman!

Dearest Readers,

Here is my attempt to quell some of the hate that arises when one approaches the subject of interracial couples. Unfortunately, this may be the last blog of Kris The Critic. I am sure some bitter, angry, sharpshootin' sista is going to take my black ass out for the title alone on this one. Make no mistake, our society has made leaps and bounds when it comes to race relations. However, there are some folks (black and white) whose blood still boils when the thought of a chocolate brother chasing after a snow bunny crosses their mind. While we can study a myriad of racial and gender combinations, today's discussion focuses on THE BLACK MAN AND THE WHITE WOMAN...Why? Because in my opinion it evokes the most emotion from the widest variety of people. For whatever reason, this pisses everybody off the highest limits of pissivity (new Kris The Critic word...Learn it, dammit!)...black women, white men, black men, white women, mothers, fathers, grandparents, kids...everyone has a stance on this one. Let's check out a scenario that may sound familiar -

Woody, a young, handsome African American male from an average background rises above monumental obstacles and beats the odds and reaches the pennacle in his particular sport. Now, as a big time athlete, the young man has an Oprah-like salary, Mike-like endorsements, and a Beatles-like fan base. His face is everywhere and adorned by many. He donates millions to the less fortunate. Public service announcements are part of his personal creed. People from all walks look to him as a role model. The press even crowns Woody as The One ..As is said in the hood, "Dat N&%%# done made it". Woody soons learns that he can have any type of woman he wanted. Hell, Kris The Critic would have a friggin' smorgasbord of Honeys...You wouldn't be able to tell me Sh&#. I'd have a different chick for every day of the week...No, the month! Oops, Let me not digress. Let's get back to Woody...Woody chooses to marry Becky. Becky is a nice caucasion women who is drop dead gorgeous. All of a sudden, Woody is looked at slightly differently...Here are some typical comments -

Black Men - "I want a white woman too!...These black women just want my money"

White Men - "Now all black men are gonna try to take our good, white women"

White Women - "You know, I think I might get me one of those rich black athletes, I hear they are good in bed"

Black Women - "Another brother giving a chick extra points because she is white"

Am I lying people?

Kris The Critic is not going to bore you with historical facts or occurences that may have lead to these hard core stances. We all know about slavery, jim crow laws, bigotry, etc. These obviously add to our perceptions of what is right or wrong, good or bad as it pertains to race. By no means, does this blog intend to belittle the horrible injustices done in our country. Personally, I say "Live and Let Live". I am sick and tired of all this hating on other people's happiness. My grandmother wasn't lying when she said "misery loves company"...We should be happy for anyone who finds love no matter what race, color, or creed. Wasn't that what our forfathers fought for anyway? The right to make our own choices? Did they die in vain?

That is my position. However, I am not going to give you a true answer to the proverbial conundrum of interracial dating. It doesn't exist.

Instead, I pose a simple, yet real question - DOES IT MATTER WHAT RACE ONE DATES OR MARRIES?...WHY?...WHY NOT?

Kris The Critic

1 comment:

  1. It doens't matter. I am white, married to a black man and we have a biracial child. My family could care less what color he is because we love each other and face all obsticales as a team. There are simple people all over the world who have a lot to say about it, and to them I say....HATERS!!!!!
