Friday, January 29, 2010

The World's Oldest Profession

Welcome back earthlings,

Today's topic is sure to spark some controversy. Those of you who have enjoyed the Kris The Critic experience know that I do not just think "out of the box". The box doesn't even exist in my mind. For you "newbees", please realize that I have flaws just like everyone else. However, in the words of the late Tupac Shakur, "I just don't give a f#%@"...Have you ever been in that type of mood? Well, that's the mood I'm in now. Here's the disclaimer: THIS BLOG IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY, KEEP ALL OF YOUR RIGHTEOUS MUMBO JUMBO FAR AWAY FROM MY "COMMENTS" SECTION. This blog has some very practical uses. It may actually help rescue our drowning economy. In case you are can't read or don't have access to a television, America's balance sheet is ridiculously pathetic at best. Yours truly has an idea (albeit, shall I say this?...let's just say morally conflicted) that can solve a plethora of problems. Okay, you got me. I've been trying to work that word in a blog forever. If you don't know what it means get "off your duff" and look it up!...Here it is - drum roll please: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHOULD LEGALIZE PROSTITUITON IN ALL 50 STATES! the way I don't count anything else we may own 'cause 51 just sounds stupid. Okay, back to today's subject. I will illustrate a few obvious societal benefits of prostitution.

The divorce rate would would come to a grinding halt if an unsatisfied spouse were able to seek "comfort" in a safe, controlled enviroment. Think about it before you say I'm going bananas. Here is an example - A husband or wife who's had it up to here could take off work early, visit a local brothel and still be home in time for dinner with the kids. Not only would this save the marriage, but it would also keep the family unit intact. I think we all agree there are too many single family homes, don't we? This simple excursion would also a be a better value than the finances associated with a mistress. I won't even bother to go into the headache involved when a mistress is scorned. This nightmare is eliminated all together with some good ole fashioned prostituition.

Our economy would thrive. I am far from an expert on our fiscal standing, but we are in a recession. So we can all conclude the state of financial affairs are far from ideal. I do believe we have some sort of multi-trillion dollar deficit. Hmmm...How the hell do you get that far in the hole anyway?...Instead of printing more money (which is why the economy is jacked up in the first place) with legal, safe, controlled prostitution I think we could knock off about a trillion bucks every-y-y-y-...oh, 2 years or so. Do you think I'm far off? Maybe you underestimate the amount of money spent on "adult entertainment". Imagine Uncle Sam getting 50% of every dollar spent an orgasm. If each orgasm if worth about $200 (pending services offered could be more or less), that's alot of loot. I think I've just solved the poor school situation as well.

The health benefits to this simple solution can't even be expressed in words. If a man or woman could get some grade A loving without risk of contracting some nasty STD we could elimate government spending in this area all together. At least the "frequently cheated on spouse" could have some peace of mind knowing that their love starved counterpart could at least visit a "safe ho" versus some random tramp. Again, I know this is not your normal everyday solution, but these are drastic times people. Drastic times call for drastic measures. It is my duty to tell you the truth according to Kris The Critic.

So, how do we all feel? Are you with me? I bet you guys have come up with some additional benefits of prostituion haven't you? Don't be shy. Share them with the world.

Kris The Critic


  1. Toya Randolph2/2/10, 9:49 AM

    logistically, how can you make sure you don't give/get STD? how about pregnancy?

    Booty Calls are free and condoms are cheap! The stupid will figure out a way to mess it up for everyone.

    Plus the same ol' Righteous folk against Gay Marriage would make passing this law a nightmare.

  2. So would the professionals be sterile so as not to add an imbalance to the family with extra children? It has been known to happen.

  3. This is dream world USA U writing about. Women R emotional creatures. They dont and men dont want to know about someone else Luving see that word it didn't begin with a "F". Luving there mate. So yes the money sounds good, and the economy might get a lil better. Then what happen's when the other person falls in LUV all the prostitution going on some of them R going to meet "Sunshine" we all know "SUNSHINE"
    OK I have said what I had to say so that's that. BYE BYE

    Hollis Ray "THE CRITIC'S CRITIC"

  4. The article is in the wrong direction. If prostitution were legalized America would go through a boom of divorce like never seen before.

    You assume that sex has no bonding power. In Holland where prostitution is legal, legalized prostitution does two things. It gives the man and/or woman an alternative that disipates the will to discuss/ argue for things that may be needed in the household. Monogamous sex enforces the will to stay in a "arguementive" situation thus the first example you make is now destroyed. The man will not make it home before dinner. He would simply move out and visit the borthel until he fines another woman.
    As for the economy it would suffer also. Prostitution would become a habit. this is a habit that would drain money from the household. Thus the family structure would suffer more.
    Do I think it would help America- No but do I think it should be illigal also no. People should be free to do anything that does not hurt them or anyother competent consenting adult.
